Despite being a fairly young town, Kununurra sits on an ancient landscape where early Aboriginal tribes roamed. Initiated to service the Ord River Irrigation scheme, Kununurra is located approximately 40km from the Northern Territory border. Therefore the climate is similar to that of Darwin, with the dry season coming during winter.
Fruit Picking Work in Kununurra
February to April – Orange, Citrus
March to September – Tree planting
May to November – Melons, pumpkins
June to September – Corn
October to December – Mangoes
(Dry Season April – October)
Fruit Picking Jobs in Kununurra
Fruit Picking Jobs in Western Australia
Where’s Kununurra
Getting There
You’re practically in Northern Territory with Kununurra being a short drive to the border and 10 hours to Darwin ( 800km). Perth is approximately 3,200 km away which is a solid road trip in anyone’s books. Kununurra would be a destination to consider if you’re currently in Northern Territory, from Perth it’s a huge journey!
Kununurra is also serviced by a local airport, which means it’s accessible by air as well. Otherwise coach is your next option or hitch hiking if your up for a challenge!
There’s accommodation a plenty, with backpacker hostels and and caravan parks in town. Farm stay accommodation is available at some locations, otherwise hotels and motel are your next point of call.
Not Fruit Picking – What to do?
- Check out the local National Parks
- Drive from Kununarra to Wyndham
- The Hoochery ( WA’s only licensed distellery)
Extending Your Australian Working Holiday Visa
Many harvest jobs will meet the Second Australian Working Holiday Visa eligibility and count towards the 88 days of specified work. Some regional locations and jobs are ineligible which could lead to the Department of Immigration rejecting your application. So remember to confirm whether or not your fruit picking or harvest job will count towards the Second Australian WHV.
Get in Contact with the local visitor centre
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One Response to “Kununurra”
Nils Henning
Good day,
my name is Nils and I am a 22 years old german backpacker.
I am looking for a fruit picking job as soon as possible for the next 2-3 months.
I am physical fit and able to work hard and long under hard condition!!!
In germany I absolved an education as geomatician and before i worked in a restaurant called “Robbengatter” as kitchen hand for three months.
I would welcome your response.
Best wishes,