Surrounded by hills and karri forests, Denmark is approximately 400 kilometers south of Perth. The climate lends itself to grape growing so expect to seek work at vineyards and wineries. There will also be opportunities to pick blueberries from December through to March.
Fruit Picking Crops in Denmark
February to April – Grapes
June to September – Vine pruning
December to March – Blueberries
Fruit Picking Jobs in Denmark
Fruit Picking Jobs in Western Australia
Where’s Denmark
Getting There
Denmark is 420km south of Perth, it’s a 5 hour drive mostly along the Albany Highway. Regular air services operate to Albany, which is 50km west of Denmark. Otherwise daily coach services operate.
In town you’ll find a backpackers hostel,B&B’s, lodges and guesthouses. Some farm will offer dormitory style accommodation which is also a bonus.
Extending Your Australian Working Holiday Visa
Many harvest jobs will meet the Second Australian Working Holiday Visa eligibility and count towards the 88 days of specified work. Some regional locations and jobs are ineligible which could lead to the Department of Immigration rejecting your application. So remember to confirm whether or not your fruit picking or harvest job will count towards the Second Australian WHV.
Get in Contact with the local visitor centre
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