Located 25km north east of Hobart Richmond is one of the most important historic towns in Tasmania. The Richmond Bridge built by convict labourers between 1823 and 1825 is the oldest surviving freestone bridge in Australia. Harvest work wise you’ll find employment picking grapes,Vegetables, stone fruits, apples and cherries.
Fruit Picking Work in Richmond
January to December – Vegetables
March to May – Grapes
June to July – Vine pruning
December to April – Stonefruit, apples, cherries
Fruit Picking Jobs in Richmond
Fruit Picking Jobs in Tasmania
Where’s Richmond
Getting There
So you’re in for a short 25 minute drive from Hobart which is great, there’s also a local bus that run’s daily to and from Hobart.
Hopefully you can secure a spot camping on the orchard or farm, otherwise there are guesthouses and hotels in Richmond. I guess you could stay in Hobart and do the daily drive, could be an affordable option if you’re car pooling too!
Not Fruit Picking – What to do?
- Check out Australia’s oldest Bridge, Postal Building, Jail and Catholic Church
Extending Your Australian Working Holiday Visa
Many harvest jobs will meet the Second Australian Working Holiday Visa eligibility and count towards the 88 days of specified work. Some regional locations and jobs are ineligible which could lead to the Department of Immigration rejecting your application. So remember to confirm whether or not your fruit picking or harvest job will count towards the Second Australian WHV.
Get in Contact with the local visitor centre
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One Response to “Richmond”
My name Emerikus from Indonesia,
I am looking possibility opening jobs in harvesting.
I am healthy not smoke, but as usual, I do not have immigration paper to work legally in Australia.
Maybe you can help on this matter.
Kind regards.