Penola is situated in one of South Australia’s most highly regarded wine growing areas, so you’ll definitely find grape picking and vine pruning work. Within the 7km stretch to Coonawarra you’ll find 21 wineries! Wow, they must love the odd night cap over there. Drinking aside there’s a lot of historical buildings in town, so check them out.
Fruit Picking Work in Penola
February to June – Potatoes
February to May – Grape picking, Apples
June to August – Vine pruning
November to December – Apple thinning
December to January – Cherries, beans
Fruit Picking Jobs in Penola
Fruit Picking Jobs in South Australia
Where’s Penola
Getting There
South from Adelaide it’s a 4hour drive and a 5-6hour drive west from Melbourne. From Melbourne you can take the long way ( totally recommend it) and check out the great ocean road, go for a swim, surf or just chill out on route to Penola. The Great Ocean road detour will add about 1.5-2hours of driving time from Melbourne.
You will find a hostel located in Penola, otherwise try secure camping at the site of your harvest job. If that fails there’s apartments and cabins in town.
Not Fruit Picking – What to do?
- Go wine tasting, you’re in the Coonawarra/Pinola wine district
- Sink beers at the Royal Oak
- Naracoorte caves
Extending Your Australian Working Holiday Visa
Many harvest jobs will meet the Second Australian Working Holiday Visa eligibility and count towards the 88 days of specified work. Some regional locations and jobs are ineligible which could lead to the Department of Immigration rejecting your application. So remember to confirm whether or not your fruit picking or harvest job will count towards the Second Australian WHV.
Get in Contact with the local visitor centre
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