Swan Hill, referred to as the heart of the Murray is a thriving modern city with plenty on offer. Work wise you’ll find yourself picking grapes, citrus fruits, vegetables or pruning vines. Check out the Pioneer Settlement in town which is great for getting a feel of what Swan Hill was like back in the day.
Fruit Picking Work in Swan Hill
January to May – Grapes
May to January – Citrus
May to February – Vegetables
May to September – Vine pruning
December to February – Stonefruit
Fruit Picking Jobs in Swan Hill
Fruit Picking Jobs in Victoria
Where’s Swan Hill
Getting There
If driving Swan Hill’s 4 hours north of Melbourne and 6hours west of Adelaide. Buses services operate daily from Sydney,Melbourne & Adelaide, train services also operate direct from Melbourne.
Once again having a van you can sleep in or camping gear will enable you to stay on site, otherwise there’s many options in town including a backpackers hostel and cabin style accommodation.
Not Fruit Picking – What to do?
- Swan Hill Pioneer Settlement
- Olson Game Birds ( Game Park)
- Check out Wineries
Extending Your Australian Working Holiday Visa
Many harvest jobs will meet the Second Australian Working Holiday Visa eligibility and count towards the 88 days of specified work. Some regional locations and jobs are ineligible which could lead to the Department of Immigration rejecting your application. So remember to confirm whether or not your fruit picking or harvest job will count towards the Second Australian WHV.
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