Strawberry Fields Stanthorpe is located in Stanthorpe and produces strawberries. Their harvest time is from November to May. Contact the farm owners, if you are looking for work at Strawberry Fields Stanthorpe.
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There are various accommodation options, the farm may allow you to stay onsite otherwise you may have to find a bed locally. Try working hostels, caravan parks and camping grounds.
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Strawberry Fields Stanthorpe produces strawberries. Get in contact with the farm to find out about obtaining employment.
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One Response to “Strawberry Fields Stanthorpe”
Constantin & Sarah
we are a German couple in the age of 24. We arrived in Australia in November and stay here to the end of June. Now we would like to work 4 to 8 weeks.
That’s why we are looking for a fruit picking or fruit packing job.
As we have heard from a nice Aussie couple in Glen Innes we have the best chances in Stanthorpe.
So if you need two reliable, diligent and friendly employees we would be very happy to hear from you.
We are ready to start working now.
You can contact us at any time via Email or mobile phone:
Best regards
Sarah & Constantin