If you were employed in Australia at any stage between 2003 and now you can claim you can apply to get your tax back now.
Get Your Tax Refund Now!
As a working holidaymaker or harvest worker in Australia, you’ll pay about 13-29% tax on your earnings. You could…
How much money can I get back from my Tax Return
Tax returns are different for each person, there's so many factors, how much you earnt, how much you were…
How To Get Your Tax Refund Early
So when you work in Australia you will need to pay tax and lot of people are unclear around…
Can I get a Superannuation Refund?
Yep! Everyone working in Oz who earns more than AU$450 a month has superannuation contributions paid into a fund…
Is Fruit Picking and Harvest Work hard?
Fruit Picking can be quite hard, repetitious and physically demanding work. Each crop will differ, some are much harder than others, so it…
Which areas will count towards my 88 days of specified work?
The following postcodes are accepted as regional areas which will count towards your 88 days of specified work and…
How long can I stay for with the first Working Holiday Visa?
You can work and stay in Australia for up to 1 year with the Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417)and…
How many days of specified work do I need to complete to get the 2nd Working Holiday Visa
88 days of specified work in a regional area on the postcode list is what you need to apply for…