
Crochdantigh is located in Muckadilla and consists of mainly cropping and beef cattle. They also sell purebred chooks and fertilized eggs.


Elgin is located in Condamine that breeds and fatten cattle, with a herd of 600 registered breeders.

Hornet Bank

Hornet Bank is located in Eurombah that breeds and fatten predominantly poll hereford cattle.

Frontier Agriculture

Frontier Agriculture is located in Mataranka and produces vegetables, melons. Their harvest time is a year-round.

Tou’s Garden

Tou’s Garden is located in Acacia Hills and produces mangoes and limes. Their harvest time from September to November

Darwin Banana Farming Company

Darwin Banana Farming Company is located in Mataranka and produces vegetables, melons. Their harvest time is a year-round.

Acacia Hills Farm

Acacia Hills Farm is located in Acacia Hills and produces mangoes. Their harvest time is from September to November.

Strawberry Fields Palmview

Strawberry Fields Palmview is located in Palmview and produces strawberries. Their harvest time is from June to November

Strawberry Fields Stanthorpe

Strawberry Fields Stanthorpe is located in Stanthorpe and produces strawberries. Their harvest time is from November to May

Rolin Farms

Rolin Farms is located in Elimbah and produces strawberries. Their harvest time is from June to November.